
Getting the Right Care for Your Sleep Apnea

Dr. Hathaway can help you find relief for your sleep apnea. When you come for your consultation, she’ll examine your airway and ask you some questions about the type of sleep you’re getting and how you’re feeling throughout the day. She can also help arrange for you to take a sleep test. The sleep physician will read the results of your sleep test. If they detect signs of sleep apnea, you’ll be given a prescription for sleep apnea care. Our practice offers a number of effective remedies for sleep apnea, including our small, quiet, and convenient oral appliances.

Pregnancy and Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea occurs when a patient stops breathing several times each night while they’re sleeping. This reduces the amount of oxygen in their bloodstream, which can have serious medical consequences. If left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to strokes, heart attacks, and other significant medical issues. Sleep apnea symptoms include heavy snoring, making gasping noises while sleeping, and feeling tired and irritable during the day. If you notice these symptoms in yourself or a loved one, call Dr. Hathaway right away — she’s experienced in treating sleep apnea and will make sure you get the right diagnosis and treatment for your sleep disorder. It’s essential for women who are pregnant to do everything they can to safeguard their own health and protect the health of their children. That’s why expectant mothers will want to maintain a healthy diet and get enough sleep. How Sleep Apnea Can Hurt Your Baby By reducing the level of oxygen in your bloodstream, sleep apnea puts a tremendous strain on your heart and other organs. This results in a number of possible complications that can hurt both you and your baby:  Pulmonary edema (excess fluid in the lungs)  Maternal obesity  Elevated glucose levels  Preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy)  Increased likelihood of requiring a cesarean birth  Reduced blood oxygen Both pregnancy and sleep apnea can disrupt a woman’s sleeping patterns. Other common symptoms include heartburn, frequent nighttime urination, daytime fatigue, weight gain, increased blood pressure, and moodiness. This makes it even more difficult to detect sleep apnea in women who are expecting.